Using Fold Over Elastic to fabulously finish edges of knit fabrics
9:21:00 AM
The T-Shirt for BD1622, Baby Casual 1, is ready and I have found a new favorite material! Drumroll please! Fold Over Elastic is an absolute joy to finish cuffs and collars with. It's exceptionally easy to use. If you work with knit fabrics and have not used this type of elastic, please go out and try it.
The thing is that I'm not a great fan of rib knit for doll clothes and so I could never quite get things to where I wanted them. Rib knits get bulky quickly and only the very best quality will hold up over multiple washes. Fold Over Elastic is a game changer.
If you think that this looks a lot like bias tape and you are not a fan of bias tape? I agree with you: it looks a lot like bias tape and I dislike using bias tape too. In fact, I will try anything to avoid it. Fold over elastic is completely different! It's easy to use and about the easiest way you will ever finish an edge on knit fabric.
How to use fold over elastic for cuffs and edges: Place the wrong side of the fabric edge you want to finish, on the shiny side of the fold over elastic.
I consider the shiny side the wrong side. Line the fabric edge up with the elastic fold line.
You don't have to be too precise, it's a very forgiving material. In the pattern I will tell you where to mark the elastic so you know how much you need to stretch it out.
Cheers & Happy Sewing,
Christel Dekker ❤️
Christel Dekker ❤️
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